The Business Sense In Podcasting?
Sometimes it seems like everyone and their brother have launched podcasts in the last year or two. While a significant amount of podcasters do it out of passion for their subject matter, many other podcasters get into it with the hope of creating a hit show that will let them quit their day jobs. On the other hand, some podcasters want to at least cover their expenses and production costs. And at meetups and podcasting conferences, the business sense of podcasting and monetization comes up frequently. Is There Any Business Sense In Podcasting? “When you start talking about podcasting, it doesn’t take long before someone asks how you can make money from it.” Click here to view original article at Our Take on Whether Podcasts Make Business Sense If I had to summarize it, I would put it in a way that asks the question differently: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Juergen Berkessel (@polymashdesign) The simple truth is that unless yo...