Irresistible Opt-Ins, List Building and Conversion Strategies For Podcasters
I was happy and honored to once again be invited to present at the PodFest Masterclass Summit — happening the same week as “ International Podcast Day ”. As a follow on, I am now holding several in-depth workshops on the same topic on October 13 and 15th. Workshop attendees also get access to my video course based on the material I presented at the summit. Click here to learn about the workshops. Click here for the video course Workshops: Irresistible Opt-Ins, List Building and Conversion Strategies For Podcasters These workshops will covered how to design the best Opt-Ins and Lead Magnets to quickly get people on your email list! Click here to learn about the workshops. What You Get To Fast Track Your Opt-In Creation In our 90 minute workshop we first brainstorm your best lead magnet and Opt-In strategies We provide you with a free Opt-In design & creation platform + templates You use the platform to create your Opt-In — usually within hours You get our video course called “...