Using Podcasts as Part of a Career Change
Most people grow up with the belief that they have to decide what to do for the rest of their lives just out of high school or in their early 20s. But lifelong careers are a thing of the past; more people each year decide to switch to careers that make them happier. Career change can be a positive and inspiring experience. It is only reasonable—people change and sometimes the job they thought they liked doesn’t work anymore for the type of life they want to have. However, many people have doubts and fears when making a career change. They are leaving the security of their current job, and starting from zero in a new career, probably losing years of experience they had in the previous position. For all these reasons and more, people should start listening to career podcasts. Podcasts also help make people feel like they aren’t alone in their choices. Besides, they advise on how to do a career change and how to decide which path to take. Basically, people will have a career coach easily ...