Podcast Player Optimization And Understanding In-App Search
This week on SEO Saturdays Live we explored Podcast Player Optimization and In-Player Search. We normally focus on Podcast SEO for website traffic . But this week we were fortunate that Jalal Fathi joined us as a co-host in addition to our regular guests. Jalal is the founder of PodKite, which many of you will already know about as one of the best tools out there for unified chart rankings across all of the major platforms. But PodKite recently released a whole new set of optimization tools for podcasters, and Jalal with demo these and help us learn about "In Player Search". SEO Saturdays Recap Video Table Of Contents 00:00 Welcome 01:57 Support A Racial Justice Cause: #DUBBAMPLIFY https://dubb.com/amplify 04:50 Introducing PodKite https://podkite.com/ 05:00 SEO Saturdays Intro & Agenda & Case Studies 11:16 Introducing PodKite (Some Audio Issues FIXED after about minute) 14:45 PodKite Live Demo 43:00 SEO Work For Blake Bennet - The Limey and The Yank Podcast...